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Misconception MOM007:

A model can only represent aspects of a phenomenon that are already known; it cannot be used to figure out new things (for example, make an accurate prediction) about what is being represented. This still allows one person to use a model to communicate things he or she already knows about something to other people, even if they do not already know it (Grosslight et al., 1991; Schwartz & White, 2005).

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A model of an object can be used to predict how an object will behave, but the prediction may not be the same as the actual behavior of the object because a model is never exactly like the object it represents.



A student could use a diagram to help himself figure out the way light travels or to show someone else the way light travels.



An engineer could use a model of a machine to show someone else what the machine is like, or to help him/herself think about how the machine works.



A chemist could use a model to show other people what DNA looks like or to help him/herself think about DNA.



If a student makes a drawing of how he thinks people see in the dark and it turns out it was incorrect, he should make a new version that more accurately represents what he now knows about how people see in the dark.



It is acceptable and sometimes beneficial for a model to lack features of the real thing that are not relevant to what is being studied.



Even if an engineer makes a good model of an airplane and discovers that it can fly well in the rain, she still cannot be absolutely certain that the real airplane will fly well in the rain unless she actually flies it in the rain.



A police investigator could use a model of a car crash to figure out how the crash took place or to show others how it took place.



If a student makes a drawing of how he thinks evaporation works and it turns out it was incorrect, he should make a new version that more accurately represents what he now knows about evaporation.
