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Item SB060001: When plants make glucose, carbon dioxide and water are the starting substances and glucose and oxygen are the ending substances.

A word equation can be used to represent chemical reactions. The substances on the left side of the arrows are the starting substances, and the substances on the right side are the ending substances. The arrow represents “react to form.”

Which of the following word equations describes the reaction that plants use to make glucose (photosynthesis)?

  1. Minerals + Water → Glucose + Oxygen
  2. Oxygen + Water → Glucose + Carbon Dioxide
  3. Carbon Dioxide + Oxygen → Glucose + Water
  4. Carbon Dioxide + Water → Glucose + Oxygen
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item ME060001
Points Earned
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 174 371 47%
  6–8 174 371 47%
  9–12 N/A N/A N/A
Primary Language

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Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item ME060001
Points Earned
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 209 371 56%
  6–8 209 371 56%
  9–12 N/A N/A N/A
Primary Language

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