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Item WE064001: A rock in a stream can get smaller by colliding with other rocks or by some of it dissolving in water.

How could a rock in a stream get smaller?

  1. A rock in a stream could get smaller by colliding with other rocks or by some of it dissolving in water.
  2. A rock in a stream could get smaller by colliding with other rocks, but not by some of it dissolving in water.
  3. A rock in a stream could get smaller by some of it dissolving in water, but not by colliding with other rocks.
  4. A rock in a stream cannot get smaller colliding with other rocks or by some of it dissolving in water.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item WE064001
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1363 2514 54%
  6–8 777 1515 51%
  9–12 582 989 59%
Primary Language

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