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Item WC089001: Clouds form anywhere there is moist air that cools to form tiny water droplets.

Where, if anywhere, can new clouds form?

  1. New clouds cannot form anywhere.  Wind pushes existing clouds from one place to another.
  2. Although clouds can be pushed from one place to another by wind, new clouds form only near factories and cities because clouds need pollution to form.
  3. Although clouds can be pushed from one place to another by wind, new clouds form only over lakes or oceans, because clouds need a body of water below them to form.
  4. New clouds can form wherever there is moist air that cools to form tiny droplets of water.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item AM089001
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 388 1037 37%
  6–8 272 680 40%
  9–12 116 357 32%
Primary Language

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