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Key Idea: Whenever substances within a closed system interact with one another, the total mass of the system remains the same.

Students are expected to know that:

  1. When substances mix, undergo chemical reactions, change state, or dissolve, or when objects are cut or broken into smaller pieces, the total mass of all the matter will always remain the same.
  2. Regardless of the form that the products of these processes may take (for example, when a sugar cube dissolves in water or a chemical reaction produces a gas), the mass will always stay the same.
  3. If it appears that the mass has changed, it is because some material has not been accounted for.
  4. Because light is not matter, its presence or absence does not affect the mass of the matter.


  1. Students are not expected to know that mass is not conserved in energy-mass conversions such as nuclear reactions or other subatomic interactions.
  2. Note: The words “weight,” “weigh,” and “mass” are used appropriately in the assessment items. The students are not expected to know the difference between “weight” and “mass.”