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Misconception NGM014:

Objects at different temperatures that are made of different materials will never reach the same temperature when they are brought in contact with each other (Erickson & Tiberghien, 1985; Kesidou & Duit, 1993; Wiser, 1986).

Items that test for misconception NGM014 in this project (ASPECt) and key idea (Conduction is the transfer of energ…)
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When a warm plastic block is in contact with a cold metal block, thermal energy will be transferred from the warm block to the cold block until they reach the same temperature.


Items that test for misconception NGM014 in this project (ASPECt) and other key ideas


When a warmer block is placed on top of a cooler block, the warmer block will get cooler and the cooler block will get warmer until both blocks are at the same temperature.
