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Misconception WCM016:

The reason for the pattern of temperature changes over a day or over a year is because the amount of clouds blocking the sun is changing (Aron et al., 1994; Salierno et al., 2005).

Items that test for misconception WCM016 in this project (Original Project) and key idea (Processes that take place on the su…)
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The temperature of air at a certain location can change whenever the temperature of the earth's surface below the air at that location changes.


Items that test for misconception WCM016 in this project (Original Project) and other key ideas


A sudden change in a town's air temperature can be caused by air moving to the town.



Sunlight feels warmer in the middle of the day than in the morning because the sun is higher in the sky in the middle of the day.



It is colder in the winter at a given place than in the summer because sunlight reaches that place at a smaller angle in the winter.
