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Item AP003006: Identify plausible explanations of experimental data on temperature changes for two coolants. Evaluate an experiment to determine which coolant is better to use in an engine.

When a car's engine is running, the engine can get extremely hot, so a liquid coolant is used to help cool the engine.

An engineer is studying two different coolants. He would like to know which of the two is a better coolant. A good coolant is one that has only a small temperature increase when it is heated. To help him figure out which coolant is better, he sets up an experiment. The procedure for the experiment is below:

Step 1: Pour each coolant into a separate metal container.

Step 2: Measure the temperature of the coolant in each container using a thermometer.

Step 3: Heat each coolant on the stove at the same heat setting.

Step 4: Measure the temperature of each coolant after it has been heated.

He records his temperature measurements in a table.

Data from the Investigation
  Coolant A Coolant B
Before being heated 15 oC 15 oC
After being heated 51 oC 94 oC

The engineer thinks Coolant A is better than Coolant B. Another engineer points out that his conclusions may not be correct because the test of the coolants may not have been fair. There could be several other ways to get the same results shown in the table.

1. The engineers decide to list some reasons why the two coolants could have different temperatures after they were heated. For each of the responses below select yes or no to indicate whether or not the reason listed could explain why two coolants have different temperatures after they are heated.

  1. If coolants are made of different substances, they could have different temperatures after being heated.
Yes No
  1. If coolants have different masses, they could have different temperatures after being heated.
Yes No
  1. If coolants are heated for a different length of time, they could have different temperatures after being heated.
Yes No

Now, it’s your job to design an experiment to figure out which coolant has the smallest temperature increase when it is heated.

2. What should vary in your experiment and what should be held constant? Select a response for each.

  Should vary Should be held constant
  1. The mass of the coolants
  1. The length of time the coolants are heated
  1. The type of coolants
  1. The temperature of the coolants before being heated

3. Based on your answers to the previous questions, what revisions need to be made to the engineer's procedure?

Percent of Points Earned
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item AP003006
Points Earned
  Avg. Earned Possible Percent
Overall Task Difficulty
  Total Points Earned Total Points Possible Total Percent

n = 230

Note: The total percent is a weighted average based on the total number of points earned divided by the total number of points possible.