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Item CA043005: Write an argument using correct evidence and sound reasoning to support a claim that chimpanzees and gorillas have a more recent common ancestry than chimpanzees and orangutans because their average genetic similarity is greater.

Scientists studying evolution compared the DNA of chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans.

The scientists summarized their data in the following table:

Pair of Species Compared

Average Genetic Similarity

Chimpanzee and Gorilla


Chimpanzee and Orangutan


Gorilla and Orangutan



When the scientists published their research, they made the following claim:

"Chimpanzees and gorillas have a more recent common ancestry than chimpanzees and orangutans."

What evidence and reasoning are the scientists using to make this claim?

Your answer should include evidence in the form of specific scientific data that supports the scientists' claim, and reasoning that uses scientific principles about heredity and common ancestry to justify why the data counts as evidence for their claim.

Distribution of Points Earned
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 
Points Earned
Group Earned Possible Percent
Overall 2793 15883 18%
  6–8 75 637 12%
  9–12 2473 14091 18%
  Male 1026 6741 15%
  Female 1553 8001 19%
Primary Language
  English 2505 14385 17%
  Other 70 441 16%

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Distribution of Points Earned
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 
Points Earned
Group Earned Possible Percent
Overall 1689 7728 22%
  6–8 63 490 13%
  9–12 1395 6307 22%
  Male 609 3038 20%
  Female 898 3885 23%
Primary Language
  English 1445 6643 22%
  Other 32 231 14%

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Distribution of Points Earned
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 
Points Earned
Group Earned Possible Percent
Overall 2050 8155 25%
  6–8 34 126 27%
  9–12 1832 7413 25%
  Male 814 3745 22%
  Female 1129 3997 28%
Primary Language
  English 1837 7385 25%
  Other 49 231 21%

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