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Item RG186001: When a student holds a snowball in her hand, her hand will get colder because some energy is transferred from the student’s hand to the snowball.

A student is holding a cold snowball in her hand. While she is holding the snowball, her hand gets colder. Why does her hand get colder?

  1. Her hand will get colder because some energy is transferred from the snowball to the student’s hand.
  2. Her hand will get colder because some energy is transferred from the student’s hand to the snowball.
  3. Her hand will get colder because some of the student’s energy is destroyed by the snowball.
  4. Her hand will get colder because she is touching something that is colder than her hand, not because any energy is transferred or destroyed.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG186001
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 547 2105 26%
  6–8 225 984 23%
  9–12 273 778 35%
Primary Language

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