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Item RG214001: On a cold and sunny winter day, a student waits at the bus stop will be warmer if standing in the sunlight instead of the shade.

On a cold and sunny winter day, a student waits at the bus stop for the school bus. While she waits, she can either stand in the shade or in the sunlight. If she wants to be warmer, where should she stand?

  1. She will be warmer if she stands in the shade.
  2. She will be warmer if she stands in the sunlight.
  3. It doesn’t matter where she stands because she will be just as warm in either the shade or the sunlight.
  4. Where she should stand depends on how cold it is because she will only be warmer in the sunlight if it is very cold outside.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 214001
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1837 2559 72%
  6–8 607 849 71%
  9–12 477 659 72%
Primary Language

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