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Item RG008003: When a cup of water is heated over a flame, the thermal energy of the water at the bottom increases and the heated water will rise to the top of the cup. The cooler water at the top of the cup will sink to the bottom where its thermal energy will be increased by the flame.

A student fills a cup with room temperature water. Then she places the cup over a flame to heat the water.

What will happen to the thermal energy of the water in the cup?

  1. The thermal energy of the water at the bottom of the cup will increase as the cup of water is heated. The heated water will rise to the top of the cup, and the cooler water at the top of the cup will sink to the bottom where its thermal energy will be increased by the flame.
  2. The thermal energy of the water at the bottom of the cup will gradually spread from the bottom to the top of the cup until all the water has the same thermal energy. Warmer water at the bottom of the cup will not rise to the top, and cooler water at the top of the cup will not sink to the bottom.
  3. Heat molecules will form at the bottom of the cup and spread throughout the water as the water is heated. The thermal energy of the water will increase as the number of heat molecules increases.
  4. While the water is over the flame, the thermal energy of all parts of the water will increase at the same time.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 008003
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1695 3796 45%
  6–8 766 1673 46%
  9–12 746 1642 45%
Primary Language

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