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Item NG002004: An inflated balloon flying around the room as the air leaves the balloon involves the transformation of elastic energy to motion energy.

Which of the following involves the transformation of elastic potential energy to kinetic energy (motion energy)?

  1. A rubber ball travels up into the air after being thrown.
  2. A clay ball falls and flattens when it hits the floor and remains flat.
  3. An inflated rubber balloon flies around the room as the air leaves the balloon.
  4. None of these involves the transformation of elastic potential energy to kinetic energy because elastic potential energy cannot be transformed into kinetic energy.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 002004
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 379 1203 32%
  6–8 210 622 34%
  9–12 110 346 32%
Primary Language

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