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Item WE022004: Very large rocks the size of boulders can come from breaking off from earth's solid rock layer and from breaking off from larger rocks.

The picture below shows a very large rock with people underneath it.

What is TRUE about where such very large rocks come from?

  1. Large rocks break off from even larger rocks, and large rocks break off from the earth's solid rock layer.
  2. Large rocks break off from even larger rocks, but large rocks do not break off from the earth's solid rock layer.
  3. Large rocks form when smaller rocks stick together, large rocks do not come from breaking off from earth's solid rock layer or from larger rocks.
  4. Large rocks do not come from smaller rocks sticking together, and they do not come from breaking off from even larger rocks or from the earth's solid rock layer. Large rocks have always been the same as they are today.
Distribution of responses
Answer Choice
Primary Language
n = 2496
n = 1502
n = 984
n = 1206
n = 1247
n = 2206
n = 223
A. Large rocks break off from even larger rocks, and large rocks break off from the earth's solid rock layer. 57% 55% 60% 58% 56% 58% 48%
B. Large rocks break off from even larger rocks, but large rocks do not break off from the earth's solid rock layer. 18% 18% 17% 17% 18% 18% 16%
C. Large rocks form when smaller rocks stick together, large rocks do not come from breaking off from earth's solid rock layer or from larger rocks. 15% 16% 13% 14% 16% 14% 21%
D. Large rocks do not come from smaller rocks sticking together, and they do not come from breaking off from even larger rocks or from the earth's solid rock layer. Large rocks have always been the same as they are today. 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 16%