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Which of the following statements is TRUE about where loose rocks on the surface of the earth come from?

  1. Loose rocks, including very large rocks as well as the very small pieces of rock in sand, were at one time part of earth’s solid rock layer.
  2. Very large rocks were at one time part of earth’s solid rock layer, but the very small pieces of rock in sand were not.
  3. The very small pieces of rock in sand were at one time part of earth’s solid rock layer, but very large rocks were not.
  4. No loose rocks, including very large rocks and the very small pieces of rock in sand, were ever part of earth’s solid rock layer.
Distribution of responses
Answer Choice
Primary Language
n = 2529
n = 1532
n = 987
n = 1222
n = 1264
n = 2228
n = 229
A. Loose rocks, including very large rocks as well as the very small pieces of rock in sand, were at one time part of earth’s solid rock layer. 63% 62% 66% 61% 65% 65% 50%
B. Very large rocks were at one time part of earth’s solid rock layer, but the very small pieces of rock in sand were not. 16% 17% 15% 18% 15% 16% 19%
C. The very small pieces of rock in sand were at one time part of earth’s solid rock layer, but very large rocks were not. 12% 13% 12% 12% 13% 12% 20%
D. No loose rocks, including very large rocks and the very small pieces of rock in sand, were ever part of earth’s solid rock layer. 8% 8% 7% 9% 7% 7% 11%