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Item WC103001: When sunlight shines on an area of land, the sunlight transfers energy to the land it shines on, which causes the land to become warmer.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about what sunlight does when it shines on an area of land?

  1. Sunlight transfers energy to any land that it shines on, and the energy causes the land to become warmer.
  2. Sunlight transfers energy to only some of the places that it shines on, and the energy causes the land to become warmer in those places.
  3. Sunlight transfers energy to any land that the sunlight shines on, but the energy does not cause the land to become warmer.
  4. Sunlight does not transfer energy to the land. Sunlight transfers energy to the air and warms it, and then the air warms the land.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item WC103001
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 534 1017 53%
  6–8 347 665 52%
  9–12 187 352 53%
Primary Language

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