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Item CL148001: For two places at different latitudes and different longitudes, the place that is farther north of the equator has more hours of daylight in July.

The map below shows two places in the United States, Place 1 and Place 2. 

Which of the following statements explains why one place has more hours of daylight in July than the other?

  1. Place 1, because it is farther inland than Place 2
  2. Place 1, because it is farther north of the equator than Place 2
  3. Place 2, because it is closer to the ocean than Place 1
  4. Place 2, because it is closer to the equator than Place 1


Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item WC148001
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 596 2243 27%
  6–8 335 1241 27%
  9–12 259 993 26%
Primary Language

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