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Item CL022002: If ocean water is warmer than the air above it, the ocean water will transfer thermal energy to the air, which will increase the temperature of the air.

If the ocean water is warmer than the air above it, will thermal energy be transferred from the water to the air, and will the temperature of the air increase?

  1. The ocean water will transfer thermal energy to the air, but that will not affect the temperature of the air.
  2. The ocean water will transfer thermal energy to the air, which will increase the temperature of the air.
  3. The ocean water will increase the temperature of the air, but it will not transfer thermal energy to the air.
  4. The ocean water will not transfer thermal energy to the air, and it will not increase the temperature of the air.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item WC022002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 902 2161 42%
  6–8 394 1082 36%
  9–12 505 1069 47%
Primary Language

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