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Item SC057007: Two solids with the same melting point and color could be the same substance. (This item uses a table that lists properties of the solids.)

A student makes some observations about three solids and summarizes the results in the table below.

  Mass Melting Point Color
Solid 1 3.0 g 776°C white
Solid 2 3.0 g 445°C white
Solid 3 9.8 g 445°C white

Which of the solids could be the same substance?

  1. Solids 1 and 2 could be the same substance.
  2. Solids 2 and 3 could be the same substance.
  3. All of the solids could be the same substance.
  4. None of the solids could be the same substance.
(Modified from IQWST)
Distribution of responses
Answer Choice
Primary Language
n = 2375
n = 1259
n = 1095
n = 1105
n = 1216
n = 2079
n = 224
A. Solids 1 and 2 could be the same substance. 17% 18% 16% 16% 18% 17% 21%
B. Solids 2 and 3 could be the same substance. 51% 46% 56% 50% 51% 51% 47%
C. All of the solids could be the same substance. 11% 12% 11% 11% 11% 11% 15%
D. None of the solids could be the same substance. 21% 24% 17% 22% 20% 21% 17%