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Item RH022002: Protein molecules help cells carry out many of their functions, and they are part of body structures such as hair and nails.

Which of the following are functions of protein molecules in an animal?

  1. Protein molecules help cells carry out many of their functions, and they are part of body structures such as hair and nails.
  2. Protein molecules are part of body structures such as hair and nails, but they do not help cells carry out many of their functions.
  3. Protein molecules help cells carry out many of their functions, but they are not part of body structures such as hair and nails.
  4. Protein molecules do not help cells carry out many of their functions, and they are not part of body structures such as hair and nails.
Distribution of responses
Answer Choice
Primary Language
n = 7664
n = 4538
n = 3123
n = 3698
n = 3822
n = 6787
n = 681
A. 53% 48% 61% 51% 55% 54% 48%
B. 16% 16% 15% 15% 17% 16% 19%
C. 26% 29% 21% 28% 23% 25% 26%
D. 6% 7% 4% 6% 5% 5% 7%