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Item ID081002: The size of populations of squirrels can increase when there is an increase in the food available and a decrease in the number of predators.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about increases in the size of populations of squirrels?

  1. The size of populations of squirrels can increase to be infinitely large.
  2. The size of populations of squirrels always increases at about the same rate.
  3. The size of populations of squirrels always stays about the same because the number of deaths is always about the same as the number of births.
  4. The size of populations of squirrels can increase when there is an increase in the food available and a decrease in the number of predators.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item IE081002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1706 2788 61%
  6–8 841 1527 55%
  9–12 862 1253 69%
Primary Language

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