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Item EN054002: There are both similarities and differences between maple trees and lizards.

What is TRUE about maple trees and lizards?

  1. There are both similarities and differences between maple trees and lizards.
  2. There are similarities but no differences between maple trees and lizards.
  3. There are differences but no similarities between maple trees and lizards.
  4. There is no way to tell if maple trees and lizards have similarities or differences.
Distribution of responses
Answer Choice
Primary Language
n = 1623
n = 1058
n = 565
n = 749
n = 822
n = 1468
n = 106
A. There are both similarities and differences between maple trees and lizards. 36% 33% 40% 37% 34% 36% 32%
B. There are similarities but no differences between maple trees and lizards. 9% 10% 6% 10% 7% 8% 11%
C. There are differences but no similarities between maple trees and lizards. 42% 42% 42% 39% 45% 42% 48%
D. There is no way to tell if maple trees and lizards have similarities or differences. 13% 14% 12% 14% 13% 14% 8%