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Item EN043002: Over thousands of years, there will be changes to the environment that could lead to changes in the traits of species.

A species lives in a particular environment.  What is TRUE about the environment that the species lives in and about how the species will look over thousands of years?

  1. The environment will stay the same, and the traits of the species will stay the same.
  2. There will be changes to the environment, but the traits of the species will stay the same.
  3. There will be changes to the environment that could lead to changes in the traits of the species.
  4. There will be changes to the environment, and the traits of the species will change, but the changes in the environment could never lead to changes in the traits of species.
Distribution of responses
Answer Choice
Primary Language
n = 4645
n = 2871
n = 1774
n = 2199
n = 2354
n = 4148
n = 382
A. 7% 8% 7% 8% 7% 7% 9%
B. 12% 14% 9% 13% 11% 12% 14%
C. 70% 67% 75% 68% 72% 71% 64%
D. 11% 12% 9% 10% 11% 11% 13%