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Item WC043002: The amount of energy that is transferred from the sun to a given place on the earth's surface changes depending on where the sun is in the sky.

Does the amount of energy that is transferred from the sun to a given place on earth’s surface change during the course of a day?

  1. The amount of energy transferred to a given place changes depending on where the sun is in the sky.
  2. The amount of energy transferred to a given place only changes when the sun is blocked by clouds.
  3. The amount of the energy transferred to a given place does not change as long as the sun is above the horizon.
  4. Sunlight does not transfer energy to the earth’s surface at any time during the course of a day.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item CL043002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1675 3038 55%
  6–8 1007 1904 53%
  9–12 668 1134 59%
Primary Language

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