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Item WC009002: The temperature of cool air can increase if it moves over warm land or over warm water.

What can happen to the temperature of cool air as it moves over warm land or warm water?

  1. The temperature of the cool air can be increased by the warm land, but not by the warm water.
  2. The temperature of the cool air can be increased by the warm water, but not by the warm land.
  3. The temperature of the cool air can be increased by both the warm land and by the warm water.
  4. The temperature of the cool air is not affected by the surface it moves over.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item CL009002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 905 2267 40%
  6–8 535 1389 39%
  9–12 370 876 42%
Primary Language

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