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Item AM054004: The molecules of liquid water in a cup would not stop moving even if the water became a solid, a gas, or if the liquid became still.

In a cup of liquid water, when would the water molecules stop moving?

  1. The molecules would stop moving if the liquid water in the cup became a solid.
  2. The molecules would stop moving if the liquid water in the cup became a gas.
  3. The molecules would stop moving if the liquid water in the cup became still.
  4. The molecules would not stop moving in the cup of liquid water.
Distribution of responses
Answer Choice
Primary Language
n = 4434
n = 2658
n = 1763
n = 2171
n = 2201
n = 3887
n = 448
A. The molecules would stop moving if the liquid water in the cup became a solid. 39% 42% 35% 41% 37% 39% 40%
B. The molecules would stop moving if the liquid water in the cup became a gas. 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 16%
C. The molecules would stop moving if the liquid water in the cup became still. 12% 14% 10% 13% 12% 12% 16%
D. The molecules would not stop moving in the cup of liquid water. 38% 34% 44% 35% 41% 39% 28%