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Item WC023002: Energy from the sun warms the land and the water.

Does energy from the sun warm the surface of the earth?

  1. Energy from the sun warms both the land and the water.
  2. Energy from the sun warms the land, but it does not warm the water.
  3. Energy from the sun warms the water, but it does not warm the land.
  4. Energy from the sun does not warm the land or the water.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 023002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1766 2499 71%
  6–8 1015 1435 71%
  9–12 747 1059 71%
Primary Language

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Disciplinary Core Ideas
PS3.B Sunlight warms Earth's surface.