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Item SC099002: Determining the mass of a liquid and comparing its mass to the mass of other liquids will NOT help you identify the liquid.

You find a container filled with a liquid. The liquid is a pure substance. Which of the following will NOT help you identify the liquid?

  1. Determining the freezing point of the liquid and comparing its freezing point to the freezing point of other liquids
  2. Determining the mass of the liquid and comparing its mass to the mass of other liquids
  3. Observing the color of the liquid and comparing its color to the color of other liquids
  4. Smelling the liquid and comparing its odor to the odor of other liquids
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 099002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 937 2872 33%
  6–8 499 1651 30%
  9–12 435 1213 36%
Primary Language

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