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Item PT033001: The amount of new plate material that is added to a plate is balanced by the amount of plate material that is pushed into the earth's interior or is crumpled upward.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  1. New plate material is being added to the edges of plates, and no plate material is being removed.
  2. Plate material is being removed from the edges of plates, and no new plate material is being added.
  3. New plate material is being added to the edges of plates, and the same amount of plate material is being broken into pieces and carried away.
  4. New plate material is being added to the edges of plates, and the same amount of plate material is being crumpled upward or recycled back into the earth’s interior.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 033001
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1355 3177 43%
  6–8 831 2047 41%
  9–12 518 1117 46%
Primary Language

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This idea is not addressed in NGSS.