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Item MO066004: In order to accurately represent what would happen to a real human in a car crash, crash test dummies should be about as strong and sturdy as a real human body is.

Car companies try to design cars that will keep people safe if there is a car crash. To see
if a car is safe, they sometimes crash a car on purpose. When they crash a car, they do not
have people in the car because that would be dangerous. Instead, they use “crash test
dummies” to take the place of people in the car. Which of the following would be the most useful features of a crash test dummy?

  1. A dummy built with parts made of strong materials like steel, so it will not get damaged in the crash
  2. A dummy built with parts that make it about a strong and sturdy as a human, so that if the dummy does not get damaged in the crash, it is likely that a person would be okay too
  3. A dummy built with parts that are very cheap to replace if they are broken
  4. A dummy built with parts made of any materials, as long as it looks exactly like a real person, so that when the crash test is performed, there appears to be a real person in the car
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 066004
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 3323 4604 72%
  6–8 1946 2840 69%
  9–12 1365 1748 78%
Primary Language

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