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Item ID075002: Competition between animals does not always involve direct confrontation (fighting).

Which of the following statements about competition between animals is TRUE?

  1. Competition may involve two lions fighting over prey but not two cows eating grass in the same field.
  2. Competition may involve two birds fighting over a nesting site but not one bird placing its eggs in the nest of another.
  3. Competition may involve two birds fighting over a nesting site, two lions fighting over prey, or one bird placing its eggs in the nest of another but not two cows eating grass in the same field.
  4. Competition may involve two birds fighting over a nesting site, two lions fighting over prey, one bird placing its eggs in the nest of another, or two cows eating grass in the same field.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 075002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 597 1402 43%
  6–8 276 747 37%
  9–12 320 649 49%
Primary Language

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