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Item ID038006: Organisms of the same species (horses or cows) and of different species (horses vs. cows) compete for resources.

Horses and cows are living in the same fenced pasture. The grass is the only source of food available to the horses and cows. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

  1. The cows compete with other cows, the horses compete with other horses, but the cows and horses do not compete with each other for the grass.
  2. The cows do not compete with other cows, the horses do not compete with other horses, and the cows and horses do not compete with each other for the grass.
  3. The cows compete with other cows, the horses compete with other horses, and the cows and horses compete with each other for the grass.
  4. The cows do not compete with other cows, the horses do not compete with other horses, but the cows and horses compete with each other for the grass.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 038006
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1775 2875 62%
  6–8 938 1606 58%
  9–12 834 1261 66%
Primary Language

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