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Item FM052004: A ball does not acquire a force when it is rolled off a table.

A ball is rolled along and off a table. Which of the following acts on the ball after it leaves the table but before it hits the floor?

  1. Only the force of the earth’s gravity on the ball
  2. Only the force the ball got from being rolled off the table
  3. Both the force of the earth’s gravity on the ball and the force the ball got from being rolled off the table
  4. Neither the force of the earth’s gravity on the ball nor the force the ball got from being rolled off the table
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 052004
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 444 1714 26%
  6–8 313 1102 28%
  9–12 131 612 21%
Primary Language

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