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Item EN018002: The environmental conditions on earth changed in the past, and they are changing now.

What is TRUE about environmental conditions on earth?

  1. Environmental conditions on earth have always been the same, except for minor changes from year to year.
  2. Environmental conditions on earth changed in the past, but they are not changing now.
  3. Environmental conditions on earth stayed the same in the past, but they are changing now.
  4. Environmental conditions on earth changed in the past, and they are changing now. 
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 018002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 3282 4661 70%
  6–8 1917 2886 66%
  9–12 1365 1775 77%
Primary Language

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"Changing environmental conditions" is an important idea in LS4.C, especially the effect that changing environmental conditions has on the continuous process of adaptation by natural selection.