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What is TRUE about where the earth’s axis of rotation points as the earth moves along its yearly path around the sun?

  1. The earth’s axis of rotation gradually shifts over the course of one year so that every day it points to a different place in space.
  2. The earth’s axis of rotation shifts twice each year, so it points to two different places in space during a year.
  3. The earth’s axis of rotation shifts four times each year, so it points to four different places in space during a year.
  4. The earth’s axis of rotation does not shift, so it always points to the same place in space during a year.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 094002
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 515 2253 23%
  6–8 271 1249 22%
  9–12 244 996 24%
Primary Language

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