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Item CE131001: The cells of living organisms (e.g., mushrooms) need molecules from food and water to function.

Mushrooms are multicellular living organisms. What do cells of mushrooms need to function?

  1. The cells of mushrooms need molecules from food and water.
  2. The cells of mushrooms need molecules from food, but they do not need water.
  3. The cells of mushrooms need water, but they do not need molecules from food.
  4. The cells of mushrooms do not need water, and they do not need molecules from food.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 131001
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1628 3091 53%
  6–8 973 1922 51%
  9–12 654 1164 56%
Primary Language

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