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Item AM066003: The molecules of the glass that makes up a window are always moving.

The windows of your school are made of glass. Which of the following statements describes the motion of the molecules that make up the glass?

  1. The molecules of the glass are never moving.
  2. The molecules of the glass are always moving.
  3. The molecules of the glass move only when the sun warms the window.
  4. The molecules of the glass move only when the window is being opened or closed.
(Modified from Pozo and Crespo, 2005)
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item 066003
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1209 2890 42%
  6–8 637 1782 36%
  9–12 568 1100 52%
Primary Language

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