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Item NG041003: A toaster transfers energy by radiation to the bread inside of it even when it is turned off because all objects radiate energy at all times.

A cook heats a piece of bread in a toaster.  He turns off the toaster but leaves the bread inside of it until the toaster and the bread reach room temperature.  Is energy being transferred by radiation from the toaster to the bread even when the toaster and the bread are the same temperature?  Why or why not?

  1. Yes, because all objects radiate energy at all times
  2. Yes, because only objects that are used to heat things radiate energy at all times
  3. No, because only fire radiates energy
  4. No, because only objects that are glowing radiate energy
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG041003
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 429 1149 37%
  6–8 256 685 37%
  9–12 173 464 37%
Primary Language

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