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Item RG162002: When a wind-up toy car is wound up and then let go, energy is concentrated as the spring is wound up and then becomes less concentrated as energy is transferred to the surrounding environment.

A child is playing with a wind-up toy car on a level surface. The child winds the car’s spring by using the wind-up key in the back of the car. A spring inside the car stores the energy the child has transferred to the car. As the spring is released, the elastic potential energy of the spring is converted into the kinetic energy (motion energy) of the car and thermal energy of the surrounding environment.

In the graphs below, Point A represents the time at which the child begins winding the toy. Point B represents the time at which the car was released and begins to travel across the floor. Point C is the time at which the car comes to a complete stop. Which of the following graphs correctly illustrates how concentrated the energy of the car is at each point?

  1. Because energy always becomes less concentrated and cannot be made more concentrated
  2. Because the energy of a system cannot become more or less concentrated
  3. Because energy is concentrated as the spring is wound up and then becomes less concentrated as energy is transferred to the surrounding environment
  4. Because energy is concentrated as the spring is wound up and then stays constant
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG162002
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1612 3305 49%
  6–8 712 1663 43%
  9–12 900 1642 55%
Primary Language

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