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Item RG159002: When one car hits another car and the speed of the cars changes, the change in speed is a sign that energy was transferred.

Two carts are rolling on a smooth flat surface. Cart A is rolling faster than Cart B and hits the back of Cart B.

After Cart A hits Cart B, both carts continue rolling forward. Each cart is going a different speed than it was before. Was energy transferred from Cart A to Cart B?

  1. No, Cart A does not have any energy to transfer.
  2. No, energy is not transferred when two objects hit each other.
  3. Yes, the change in speed is a sign that energy was transferred.
  4. Yes, energy was transferred, but the change in speed is not related to the transfer of energy.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG159002
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 5826 8453 69%
  6–8 2678 3922 68%
  9–12 2273 3109 73%
Primary Language

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