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Two carts are rolling on a smooth flat surface. Cart A is traveling faster than Cart B and hits into the back of Cart B.

Both carts continue rolling forward after Cart A hits Cart B, but their speed changes. How does the speed of each cart change?

  1. Cart A is going faster after the collision than before the collision. Cart B is going slower after the collision than before the collision.
  2. Cart A is going slower after the collision than before the collision. Cart B is going faster after the collision than before the collision.
  3. Both carts are going faster after the collision than they were before the collision.
  4. Both carts are going slower after the collision than they were before the collision.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG098002
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 697 1378 51%
  6–8 305 634 48%
  9–12 258 503 51%
Primary Language

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