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Item RG007003: Objects which are not touching can not transfer energy using conduction, because conduction occurs when energy is transferred by the collisions of molecules that make up the objects.

Two objects are placed inside a vacuum chamber in which the air has been removed. Do the objects have to be touching each other in order for energy to be transferred by conduction?

  1. Yes, conduction occurs when energy is transferred by the collisions of molecules that make up the objects. If the objects are not touching each other, the collisions cannot occur.
  2. Yes, conduction occurs when energy is created by molecules rubbing against one another. If the objects are not touching each other, the molecules of one object cannot rub against molecules of the other object.
  3. No, conduction occurs as long as there is a temperature difference between two objects. The objects do not have to be touching each other for energy to be transferred by conduction.
  4. No, conduction occurs when heat molecules are transferred from one object to another. As long as there are more heat molecules in one object than in the other object, energy will be transferred by conduction even if the objects are not touching each other.