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Item NG047005: When a ball that is 50ºF is placed in a bucket of water that is 80ºF, thermal energy is transferred from the water to the ball until they are both the same temperature.

The temperature of a clay ball is 50ºF, and the temperature of the water in a bucket is 80ºF.  A student places the clay ball into the bucket of water.  Which of the following could describe the transfer of energy between the ball and the water and the final temperatures of the ball and the water?

  1. Energy is transferred from the ball to the water until they are both at 75ºF.
  2. Energy is transferred from the water to the ball until they are both at 75ºF.
  3. Energy is transferred from the water to the ball until the ball is at 80ºF and the water is at 50ºF.
  4. No energy would be transferred between the ball and the water, so the ball will stay at 50ºF and the water will stay at 80ºF.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG047005
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 682 1396 49%
  6–8 331 656 50%
  9–12 244 429 57%
Primary Language

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