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Item RG080003: When a hot cookie is placed on a cool plate, the plate will get warmer, and the cookie will get cooler until they are both the same temperature.

A man takes a cookie out of a hot oven. He places the hot cookie on a cool plate. What will happen to the temperature of the plate and the cookie?

  1. The plate will get warmer, and the cookie will get cooler until they are both the same temperature.
  2. The plate will get warmer, and the cookie will get cooler, but they will never be the same temperature.
  3. The plate will stay the same temperature, and the cookie will get cooler until it is the same temperature as the plate.
  4. The plate will stay the same temperature, and the cookie will get cooler, but they will never be the same temperature.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG080003
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 2533 4632 55%
  6–8 945 1629 58%
  9–12 832 1365 61%
Primary Language

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