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Item RG079002: When hot corn comes in contact with cold butter, the hot corn will get cooler and cold butter will get warmer.

A cook heats up some corn. Then she cuts a piece of cold butter and places it on top of the hot corn.

What will happen to the temperature of the corn and the butter as soon as she puts the butter on top of the corn?

  1. Both the corn and the butter will get cooler.
  2. Both the corn and the butter will get warmer.
  3. The corn will get cooler, and the butter will get warmer.
  4. The corn will stay the same temperature, but the butter will get warmer.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG079002
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1500 3622 41%
  6–8 652 1499 43%
  9–12 617 1364 45%
Primary Language

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