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Item NG079003: The motion energy of a book sliding across a table is transformed into thermal energy, not into a force.

A girl pushes a book, and it slides across a table. The book slows down and then stops. As the book moves, the book and the table get a little bit warmer. What happened to the kinetic energy (motion energy) of the book?

  1. It was transformed into both a force and thermal energy.
  2. It was transformed into a force but not into thermal energy.
  3. It was transformed into thermal energy but not into a force.
  4. It was used up and was not transformed into a force or thermal energy.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG079003
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 514 1771 29%
  6–8 251 839 30%
  9–12 198 583 34%
Primary Language

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