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Item NG021003: When a hockey puck that is sliding along a level floor hits a wall, motion energy and elastic energy are involved in an energy transformation while the puck is in contact with the wall.

A student slides a rubber hockey puck along a level floor toward a wall. When the puck hits the wall, it compresses a little bit and then slides back toward the student.

Which of the following types of energy are involved in a transformation while the puck is in contact with the wall?

  1. Only elastic potential energy
  2. Only kinetic energy (motion energy)
  3. Kinetic energy (motion energy) and elastic potential energy
  4. Kinetic energy (motion energy), elastic potential energy, and gravitational potential energy
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG021003
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 878 1664 53%
  6–8 417 847 49%
  9–12 415 699 59%
Primary Language

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