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Item NG016004: When a ball rolls downhill, the gravitational potential energy of the ball is transformed into motion energy.

A ball is rolling up and over a hill.  The ball slows down as it moves from Position 1 to Position 3, and it speeds up as it moves from Position 3 to Position 5.


When is the gravitational potential energy of the ball being transformed into kinetic energy (motion energy)?

  1. Only when the ball rolls from Position 1 to Position 3
  2. Only when the ball rolls from Position 3 to Position 5
  3. The entire time the ball is rolling from Position 1 to Position 5
  4. It is not being transformed at any time because gravitational potential energy cannot be transformed into kinetic energy (motion energy).
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG016004
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 1028 1996 52%
  6–8 458 892 51%
  9–12 361 688 52%
Primary Language

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