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A man stops at a gas station on a sunny day and fills his car up with gasoline. Then he drives the car home.

How does the car get the energy it needs to move?

  1. The car gets the energy it needs to move by burning the gasoline.
  2. The car gets the energy it needs to move by absorbing light from the sun.
  3. The car gets the energy it needs to move from the man, not from burning gasoline or absorbing light from the sun.
  4. As the car moves, the car's motion makes the energy needed to keep the car moving.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG017003
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 2883 3748 77%
  6–8 1198 1521 79%
  9–12 1126 1457 77%
Primary Language

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