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Item RG014004: Energy is given off by a burning candle because the flame gives off light and heats the air.

A person watches a candle burn. As the candle burns, the person sees the light of the flame. The person also notices that the air around the flame is warmer. Is energy given off or is energy taken in by the candle while it burns?

  1. Energy is taken in because the flame removes coldness from the air.
  2. Energy is given off because the flame gives off light and heats the air.
  3. Energy is not given off and not taken in because candles are not living things, and only living things give off or take in energy.
  4. Energy is not given off and not taken in because the candle is not moving, and only things that are moving give off or take in energy.
Distribution of Responses
Chart showing distrubtion of responses for Item EG014004
Scale Score for Item Difficulty
Students Responding Correctly
Group Correct Total Percent
Overall 2735 4145 66%
  6–8 1177 1734 68%
  9–12 1081 1538 70%
Primary Language

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